Openbox S4,S5, S7, S8,S9 HD Soft


Super VIP
Firmware OpenBox S7 HD PVR TWIN

* S7HD Software 1.07.83

see description OB area



Latvian satfan
Staff member
Openbox S5, S7, S8, HD Soft

v 1.08.09 / 2010. 04. 06 / Build Version : 2848


1. Malfunction of Standby Power OFF: fixed.
2. Fluctuation by CVBS noise after rebooting: fixed.
3. Live will be started after Tuner Locking.
4. mp3 decoding improved.
5. EPG Language setting menu : added (Inside Language Setting Menu)
6. Arabic file name will be showed correctly in Play List in case English and Arabic Menu Language setting
7. Fault TS file will not be seleceted and checked in Play List.
8. For Middle East models, delay time of "scrambled service" message added.
9. Optus D1, D2 tp updated.
10.Loop thought power Bypass in case Standby Off(not supporting 1W Stanby)
--> Important : Standby Power must to ON
--> Menu - Configuration - A/V Output Setting : Standby Power ON
11.Parental Control of Plugin Menu add.
--> Menu - Configuration - Parental Control : Plugin (Unlock/Lock)
12.Audio bug fix. (Pls. test long time)
13. mgcmd recording will be okay with this version.



Latvian satfan
Staff member

ÏÎ 1.08.16 îò 01/05/2010

Ñáðîñ íà çàâîäñêèå íàñòðîéêè îáÿçàòåëåí!!!

Íîìåð âåðñèè 1.08.16, õîòÿ îíà îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò
ïðåäñòàâëåííîé íåñêîëüêî äíåé íàçàä äëÿ äðóãèõ áðåíäîâ.

- âîçìîæíîñòü áûñòðîé ïðèâÿçêè BISS êëþ÷à ê òåêóùåìó êàíàëó âî âñòðîåííîì Ýìóëÿòîðå (êíîïêà FAV)
- êîððåêòíîå îòîáðàæåíèå íàçâàíèÿ ñëîòà çàïèñè ïðè íàæàòèè êíîïêè REC âî âðåìÿ çàïèñè
- îòîáðàæåíèå â ÒÂ Ãèäå èíôîðìàöèè î äëèòåëüíîñòè ïðîãðàììû (ôîðìàò HH:MM)
- êíîïêà FAV -> Âñå êàíàëû -- Ôàâîðèòû -- Ñïóòíèêè (ðàíüøå ôàâîðèòû áûëè â êîíöå)
- ïåðåðàáîòàí ïîèñê ñîáûòèé (ÒÂ Ãèä - æåëòàÿ êí), òåïåðü íàæàòèåì REC äîáàâëÿþòñÿ è óäàþòñÿ òàéìåðû
- èçìåíåíà ñòðóêòóðà PTI, ñòàðûå âåðñèè OScam è CCCam íå ïîäîéäóò
- íîâîå ÿäðî, íîâûå API è äðàéâåðà
- âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå ìóëüòèìåäèà ôàéëîâ ôîðìàòà mkV (BETA)
- óëó÷øåíà ïðîèçâîäèòåëüíîñòü ñèñòåìû â îáùåì, êîòîðàÿ íàïðÿìóþ âëèÿåò íà ñêîðîñòü ðàáîòû ðåñèâåðà
- èçìåíåíà ñòðóêòóðà äåêîäèðîâàíèÿ êàíàëà ÷åðåç Mgcamd
- ïðîâåäåíû ðàáîòû ïî óëó÷øåíèþ ðàáîòû ðåæèìà îäíîâðåìåííîé çàïèñè 2 HD êàíàëîâ è ïðîñìîòðå òðåòüåãî
- ïîëíîñòüþ ïåðåðàáîòàíî ìåíþ ðàçðåøåíèÿ êîíôëèêòîâ òàéìåðîâ
- ñäåëàíî àâòîìàòè÷åñêîå îïðåäåëåíèå ïîäêëþ÷åíèÿ ñåòè Ethernet ñ âûäà÷åé èíôîáàíåðà
- âîçìîæíîñòü èçìåíåíèÿ ðàçìåðà øðèôòà, ïðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè ïîëüçîâàòåëüñêîãî øðèôòà.
- íîâûå èíôîáàíåðû ïåðåêëþ÷åíèÿ ïðè ñðàáàòûâàíèè òàéìåðîâ
- âûðóáèëè âîîáùå ôóíêöèþ êîïèðîâàíèÿ ñåðâèñîâ ïîñëå ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ.
- âûðóáèëè ïîäòâåðæäåíèå Âêë/Âûêë ïëàãèíîâ â ìåíþ ïëàãèí
- íàõîäÿñü â ñïèñêå çàïèñåé, ñäåëàííûõ ðåñèâåðîì òåïåðü ìîæíî ïîñìîòðåòü ïîäðîáíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ î çàïèñàííîì ôàéëå, êîòîðàÿ êîïèðóåòñÿ èç EPG
- ñäåëàí ïîëíîöåííûé ñêðîëèíã íàçâàíèÿ ïåðåäà÷è è äîï. èíôîðìàöèè â èíôî îêíàõ
- â ñïèñêå çàïèñåé òåðïåðü óêàçûâàåòñÿ êàíàë, ñ êîòîðîãî ïðîèçâîäèëàñü çàïèñü
- ïðè ïðîñìîòðå JPEG íàæàòèåì ÎÊ ëèñòàåò ôàéëû áåç ïðîáëåì
- â ôîòî ñëàéäøîó ðàáîòàþò ïàóçà è ïëåé
- ðåøåíà ïðîáëåìà ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ äâóõ áëèçêî ðàñïîëîæåííûõ òðàíñïîíäåðîâ. òåïåðü ìèíèìàëüíûé øàã ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ - 5 Mhz (ìåíüøå ñäåëàòü óæå íåëüçÿ, ïîñòðàäàåò ñêàíèðîâàíèå âûñîêîñêîðîñòíûõ òðàíñïîíäåðîâ è âîîáùå ïåðåñòàíåò ðàáîòàòü "ñëåïîé ïîèêñ" - ýòî óæå îãðàíè÷åíèå âõîäíûõ áëîêîâ Sharp)
- "èìïëàíòèðîâàíà" êèðèëëèöà äëÿ samba
- â EPG åñëè íàæàòü êíîïêó "ïîèñê ïî ñîáûòèÿì" - íàçâàíèå ñîáûòèÿ êîïèðóåòñÿ â îêíî ïîèñêà ñ òîãî êàíàëà, ñ êîòîðîãî ïðîèçâåä¸í âõîä â ýòî ìåíþ
- èçìåíåíî è ðàñøèðåíî ìåíþ USB Wi-Fi àäàïòåðîâ
- äîáàâëåíî ïîääåðæêà áîëüøèíñòâà ïîïóëÿðíûõ ìîäåëåé íà ñàìûõ ðàçíîîáðàçíûõ ÷èïñåòàõ:ZyDAS ZD1211, Ralink 2570, Ralink RT2870, Ralink RT-3070 (ñì. òàáëèöó)
- àâòîìàòè÷åñêàÿ àâòîðèçàöèÿ USB Wi-Fi àäàïòåðîâ
- àâòîìàòè÷åñêèé ïîèñê è ðàñïîçíàâàíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ Wi-Fi ñåòåé, íàõîäÿùèõñÿ â çîíå óâåðåííîãî ïðè¸ìà..
ñïèñîê ïîääåðæèâàåìûõ óñòðîéñòâ ñ íîâûì äðàéâåðîì
Îòêðûòü/çàêðûòü ñïîéëåð (hover to show)

êðîìå ýòîãî ñïèñêà ðàáîòàþò åù¸ D LINK DWA-125 (Ralink RT2870) è Cisco WUSB54GC (Ralink 2570), ïðîâåðèëè ñàìè...

Ïèàíèñòû ïðè êîìïèëÿöèè ðåëèçà íå äîáàâèëè ÷àñòü ïåðåâîäà íà ðóññêèé
(USB Front/ Rear è äð.. áóäåò èñïðàâëåíî ñêîðî) è Óêðàèíñêîãî ÿçûêà.

Ñ ýòîé âåðñèåé ñåãîäíÿ ïðîâåðÿëè ðàáîòó NewCS - ïîëòîðà ÷àñà ïîëåò áûë íîðìàëüíûé ñ êàðòîé 023700.

Êàê Âû çíàåòå, áûëà îïòèìèçèðîâàíà ñòðóêòóðà ðàáîòû ñ mgcamd è äð.
 ðåçóëüòàòå äîëæíà ïîâûñèòüñÿ ñòàáèëüíîñòü è ñêîðîñòü (íåîáõîäèìî äàëüíåéøåå òåñòèðîâàíèå).
Íî òåêóùàÿ âåðñèÿ mgcamd ñ ýòîé ñòðóêòóðîé íå ïîääåðæèâàåò çàïèñü äâóõ êàíàëîâ è ïðîñìîòð òðåòüåãî (îí îñòàåòñÿ çàêîäèðîâàí).


Soft 08/01/1916 from 01/05/2010

Resetting to factory settings is required!

The version number of 1.8.1916, although it differs from
presented a few days ago for other brands.

- The possibility of rapid binding BISS key to the current channel in the emulator (the button FAV)
- Correct display name slot recording by pressing the REC button during recording
- Displaying TV guide information on the duration of the program (format HH: MM)
- Button FAV -> All Channels - Favourites - Satellites (formerly favorite was the end)
- Redesigned search for events (TV Guide - Yellow book), is now pressing the REC added and succeed timers
- Restructured PTI, the older versions OScam and CCCam not fit
- New kernel, new API and driver
- Playback of multimedia file format mkV (BETA)
- Improved system performance in general, which directly affects the speed of the receiver
- Changed the structure of the decoding channel through Mgcamd
- Carried out to improve the work regime of simultaneous recording 2 HD channels and watching a third
- Completely redesigned menu conflict resolution timers
- Made automatic detection of the Ethernet network connection with the issuance infobanera
- You can change the font size, using a custom font.
- New infobanery switch with timer
- Cut down all the function of copying services after scanning.
- Cut down confirmation on / off plug-in menu plugin
- Are listed in the records made by the receiver is now possible to see detailed information about the recorded file, which is copied from the EPG
- Scrolling made a full transfer of title and added. information in the info window
- A list of records indicated terper channel from which we recorded
- When viewing a JPEG file by pressing OK, turn the pages without problems
- A photo slideshow pause work and play
- Solved the problem of scanning two closely spaced transponders. Now the minimum scanning step - 5 Mhz (less do not have to suffer high-speed scanning of transponders and generally stop working "blind poiks" - is the restriction of input blocks Sharp)
- "Implanted" Cyrillic for samba
- In the EPG if you click "search for events" - the name of the event is copied into the search box from the channel you are logged on to this menu
- Changed and expanded menu USB Wi-Fi adapters
- Added support for most popular models on a variety of chipsets: ZyDAS ZD1211, Ralink 2570, Ralink RT2870, Ralink RT-3070 (see table)
- Automatic authorization USB Wi-Fi adapters
- Automatic search and detection parameters Wi-Fi networks are in area of a ..
list of supported devices with the new driver
Open / close Spoiler (hover to show)

apart from this list are working more D LINK DWA-125 (Ralink RT2870) and Cisco WUSB54GC (Ralink 2570), checked for yourself ...

Pianists during compilation release have not added any portion of the translation into Russian
(USB Front / Rear, and others. Will be fixed soon) and the Ukrainian language.

With this version today, checked the work NewCS - half hour flight was normal with a map of 023,700.

As you know, the structure has been optimized to work with mgcamd, etc.
As a result, should increase the stability and speed (needs further testing).
But the current version mgcamd with this structure does not support recording of two channels and view of the third (it is encoded).


Well Known Member
soft 1.08.22 from 20/05/2010 ...

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
- V1.08.22 / 2010. 05. 19 / Build Version: 3099
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

1. Added information about the duration of the transfer in the EPG.
2. Added feature to mount a buffer taymshifta records (forward
comments from the programmers as it is included).
3. In the Play added strip progressor information.
Uninstall the backup services after scanning.
5. In the media the name of the satellite channel, item number, full
transponder data are displayed with the scroll bar.
6. In the list of favorites displayed at the top favorite lists, and list
satellites below.
7. The full Russian localization.
8. Full Ukrainian localization.
9. Full Lithuanian localization.
10. In the Plugins menu to add a button "delete".
11. Added delete user script. (In the menu selection

12. Displays the name of the channel in the right side of the play list, from which
been recorded.
13. Fixed spillage pictures on the channel ORF (check
OWL. on a package of £ 60.0 Ricord and 85.2 E).
14. With a daily or weekly timer recording name
record file is installed is the same as the name of the previous file
record with this timer.
15. In the menu if you format the drive device in the drop-down box, you can choose the type of file system.


Latvian satfan
Staff member
v1.08.31 / 2010. 07. 20 / Build Version : v3427

1.Maintenance Timeshift during Playback
Functionality Description : Playback Recored files or AV file in Timeshift "ON" condition. Timeshit will be maintain.

2.Changing Entering Standby Mode (1W regulation supported models only)
- Standby Power "OFF" - Entering 1 Watt Standby Mode(Front OFF) by input [STANDBY] Key in the condition 'ON'
- Standby Power "ON" - Entering Standby Mode to display Time by input [STANDBY] Key in the condition 'ON'
After (Standby Mode Menu Item deleted)
- ON condition : Input [STANDBY] Key one time => Entering Standby Mode to display Time
- ON condition : Input [STANDBY] Key two times within 2 seconds => Entering 1 Watt Standby Mode(Front OFF)
- ON condition : Press [STANDBY] continously => Entering 1 Watt Standby Mode(Front OFF)
- ON condition : Input Front [STANDBY] button one time => Entering Standby Mode to display Time
- ON condition : Press Front [STANDBY] buttom two times within two times => Entering 1Watt Standby Mode(Front OFF)

3.Improved Timer Conflict issue

4.HDD Checking functionality added when Booting

5.Automatically added in Favorite HD Group when scan HD Service

6.Displaying changed Resolution data on Screen when resolution changes

7.Remain 'Standby off' condition when main Power off/on in the condition 'standby off'

8.Improved MP3 playback

9.Added JPEG ThumNail features


Latvian satfan
Staff member
On 08.01.1934 from 07.30.2010

Version has the following improvements and changes:

1. Hang and no response to remote control when you turn - fixed.
2. Stopping or nekorrektraya work regime blind scan - fixed.
3. Hang after loading and in other situations - fixed.

Software was obtained only as, respectively - have not yet tested.

If you do not want eksperimentiroval,
then follow the feedback on the forum and then decide to upgrade.


Latvian satfan
Staff member
Openbox HD

software from /1.08.37 26/08/2010
Test version, reset to factory required !!!!!! Who does not believe or doubt - please do not install this version of the software!

1. Fixed crash when recording for a long time
2. Fixed crash when receiving the EPG data
3. Fix a bug with running H / V mode blind search (Blind Scan)
4. Fix a bug with the disappearance of some TP in the auto channel search
5. Fixes translation menu receiver (German)
6. Improved treatment infobannera, which indicates that the storage capacity is insufficient to account
7. Fixed a problem playing records radio channels
8. Fixed screen resolution modes Zapping Mode and Auto Resolution
9. Fixed bug with updating / deleting a file PMT
10. Fixed crash while using the receiver mode recording and playback
11. Improved treatment Unicable
12. The error display windows PIP (removed hanging)
13. Fixed problem with incorrect data filtering PMT
14. Fixed problem with incorrect time information when searching events in the EPG
15. Fixed a bug that occurs when you press Power during the recording
16. Fixed a bug with displaying the current resolution when you change the resolution of on 576i/PAL
17. Optimization and correction of errors function taymshifta
18. Fixed crash receiver while recording 2 channels
19. Fixed automatic selection of audio recording
20. Fixed problem with saving data configuration settings default network (wifi / Ethernet)
21. Modified the display mode information on the recording time (showing start time recording program)
22. Added ability to download the font via USB (ttf file)
23. Fixed crash when exiting the receiver MHW-EPG
24. Resolved automatically start taymshifta after the recording (if that installation started taymshifta exhibited in manual mode)
25. Fixes display LED indicator to the front of the receiver model S8 HD PVR
Last edited:


Latvian satfan
Staff member
Channel list - OpenBox S-5
Satellites 75 ° e 53 ° e 36 ° e 19 ° e 13 ° e 5 ° e 4 ° w ° w 5


NTV (36 ° e)
CYFRA (13 ° e)
Rainbow (75 ° e)
TRICOLOR (36 ° e)
VIASAT (5 ° e/75 ° e)
SKY (PREMIERE) (19 ° e)
HD (19 ° e)
JSC SPORT (13 °)
NOVA (13 °)
BiS France

DiSEqC 1.1 protocol

DiSEqC Off / 1 (13 ° f)
DiSEqC Off / 2 (5 ° e)
DiSEqC Off / 3 (4 ° w)
DiSEqC Off / 3 (5 ° w)
DiSEqC Off / 4 (75 ° f)
DiSEqC off / 5 (19 ° f)
DiSEqC Off / 6 (53 ° f)
DiSEqC Off / 7 (36 ° f)
(Completely cleared of inaccessible, non-business, advertising and religiozhnyh channels, added new channels, added new favorite bag BiS France and NEWS, cleaned and edited list of Radio)

ignore.list priority.list replace.list.Open Box S-5_Ippolitovich_01.09.2010.

Thanks Ippolitovich


Latvian satfan
Staff member
Soft 01.08.44 from 20.09.2010

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
- V1.08.44 / 2010. 09. 20
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1. Added new function "beam time" taymshift (Avtopley), ie movement of "beam time" is selected in the same "yellow button"
- 10 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 1 minute
- 2 minutes
- 4 minutes
- 10 minutes
- Auto
2. An issue of recognition of USB devices
3. Fixed a problem when working with Unicable LNB (the system when the first LNB on a single cable run of up to 7 receivers at the same time)
4. Added support Easyfind LNB (LNB with svetodiodnyi indicator of signal quality, satellite / transponder, which is included at the moment on your receiver)
5. Improved and modified circuitry software downloads
6. Fixed a problem with the sound on some specific services
7. Fixed problem with disappearing ttx subtitle in the recording process
8. Fixed problem with hanging up the receiver at 21-52 GMT
9. Fixed problem with hanging up the receiver in taymshifte in Auto mode
10. Fixed problem with hanging mode Trick play. Trick play - Quickplay multimedia (video, audio: getting quick access to the playback of an arbitrary point), fast access to objects in the environment of multimedia
Last edited:


Latvian satfan
Staff member
The new version of the software - v 1.08.52 dated 25 October ....

1. From this time on abolished the difference between a factory and an alternative software ...

2. On the software with pristavochkoy FAC (factory software), since 08.01.1952 all plugins work ...

3. Built-in card reader emulator and BISS / CWS, starting with software 01/08/1952 canceled ...

4. Channels encoded in BISS / CWS, as well as any smart card only work through a new plug-in MCAS ..


Latvian satfan
Staff member
NEW SOFT 1.08.65 from 03/12/2010

History Release Note

1. STB hangup when start/stop the plugin - Fixed
2. Able to change time when recording - improved
3. Recovery when hangup while recording only if it is able to play back - improved
4. Easy Find LNB bug fixed. On/Off setting by (F2) button. - Fixed
5. UK DTT Local Channel Number support - Improved
6. Netherlands blind scan bug - Fixed
7. STB hangup when decompress JPEG to open - Fixed
8. Bug when storage is full by recoding - Fixed
9. Skip low symbolrate TP when Auto search - Fixed
10. Divx A/V sync bug - Fixed
11. File play error after fail opening Divx file - Fixed
12. SPDIF does not work when playing MP3 file.
13. Not able to display the seleted language subtitle when play back - Fixed
Last edited:


Latvian satfan
Staff member
What's new:

Replaced the core and the video driver (picture has changed)
Built-in support 3G/GPRS
Automatic modem php.ini (put to work)
Russian FTP (CP1251)
Folder with start scripts (with the possibility of determining the sequence)
Reworked file system
Time synchronization via internet
And much more

- Samba removed (now it will be plug-in)

Image conspiracy hereditary healer. Using this image is not on Openbox lead to impotence, and incurable sexually transmitted diseases.

Osnovone but neposlednee destination image - working with GPRS:

Auto-detect the modem (forget about usb_modeswitch)
Autoconfiguration modem for major operators in Russia and Ukraine
Traffic monitoring, with the ability to display statistics by hour, day, week, month
Starting a modem multi-function plug-in from the menu, with the ability to disable the modem is in Standby mode


Latvian satfan
Staff member
Software 01.08.1975 from 03.01.2011 to Openbox S5, S7, S8, S9 HD PVR
- V1.08.75

1. Cable, EPG fixes.
2. Satellite - Some minor bugs.
3. Satellite, European updated transponder list.
4. Failed to Open EPG (UK, Australia)
5. The names of files when a timer recording (it was the previous event)
6. Cable, a record of different QAM.