SIFTeam IPKG Feeds Manager

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Staff member

[B]Small introduction to the use of the software. [/B]

 This software you need if you want to publish a feed of your ipk packages. In this way the packages that publications can be installed by other users directly from the software manager. 
 Everything you bisono is: - a web space with FTP access - a Windows PC with. Net 4 (7 or Vista .. on xp not promise anything) How to create your feed: - Create an empty folder (which contains the feed) - Open IPKG Feeds Manager and click 'Load Feed', select the folder you just created and confirm - ipk Add to the list using the button 'Add ipk' or via drag and drop How to publish the feed: Select 'FTP Settings' and fill in the fields: - host: hostname of your ftp (eg - remote folder: remote folder where to save the feed (there should be no subfolders) - username: username for ftp access - password : password for ftp access Once you have filled the fields (to do only the first time) by pressing the 'FTP Folder Sync' will be synchronized with the local and the remote feed. Sync, you have to do every time you add or remove a package. How to display the packages in the software manager: Take a unix compatible editor (eg notepad + +) and create a file nome_che_vuoi.conf Inside this file you need to put a single line as follows: 

[CODE]src/gz nome_che_vuoi

Placing this file in the directory / etc / ipkg manager software on your box will show the packages in the panel. Distribute these files other users can install and access the feed.

Miscellaneous notes:
- Can not exist in the same feed two packets of the same name (even if they have different versions)
- When you add a package to make sure it has a higher version of the previous
- If, following an upgrade, you keep the name of the package and increases only version, the software will propose the automatic update manager[/CODE]
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