[OE2.5] Dream-Elite 6.0 "public tests"


Super VIP
Changelog of 14.10.2018

- update dm920 and dm900 hardware drivers:
fixed possible mode switching problems on hdmi output with 4K modes
fixed support for high bitrate transponders (45000 8PSK 5/6 is now working okay on all tuners)
no CI support for transponders with such high bitrates yet!
bcm45208/45308x: longer tune timeouts for low symbol rate transponders
fixed possible demux deadlock in combination with a fbc tuner and dm920
fixed possible race condition on open/close audio/video encoder from different processes
fixed a possible demux deadlock
add support for dreambox bluetooth remote control
add support for silabs DVB-S2X single tuner module

- update dm820 and dm7080 hardware drivers:
- add support for dreambox bluetooth remote control (dm7080)
- add support for silabs DVB-S2X single tuner module
- fix possible race condition on open/close audio/video encoder from different processes

- update enigma2 to 4.3.2r1:
EPG (Add workaround for broken RTL-Group EPG, Don't return original event on similar event search)
Fix playback of some UHD mkvs
Fix subtitles for UHD content
Fix bludisc playback
Fix potential crash on resolution change
Fix graphics memory being leaked when playing back multiple files with subtitles
Add Technirouter 5/1x16 to list of unicable devices
Fix some issues with eMediaScanner and eMediaDatabase
UI/Skins (force subtitles behind ChannelList, undo skinned zPosition for subtitles, fade background for Movie/Channelist context menus, drop explicit zPosition for ChannelSelection, update Default FHD skin)
MediaPlayer/Center/Renderer: add "cover.jpg" to list of cover arts
StreamServerControl: fix range check of video/audio bitrates
RecordTimer: Log when target directory does not exist
Fix downloader for TLS-SNI secured content
Softwaremanager: Add automatic update checks (optional)
Improve help dialog for "ConfigSets" like the SCR selection for FBC Tuners by using the new horizontal listbox
Add support for Dreambox Bluetooth Remote Control (Wizard, (dis)connection, haptic feedback, LED color)
Add Radio mode to main menu
Smoother animations (more about this in the developers section)
Add .txt support to ServiceEvent - as suggested by dr.best - see below for examples
Fix crash on satfinder/rotor plugin (rare)
Fix mixed up languages in event description (rare)
Fix initial seek to 0 when **** file is missing
Fix missing subtitles on some channels
Fix some hardcoded strings (-> make them translatable)
Fix crash in Browser menu when cookies have invalid dates
Fix/Workaround some ChannelContextMenu/MovieContextMenu overlap issues (set IS_DIALOG=False again)
Fixes for the MediaDatabase (add reset option, fix multiple issues)
Numerous other fixes and cleanups

For Developers:
New input device "dreambox remote control (bluetooth le)"
* Fallback to "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" when there is no specific keymap for "dreambox remote control (bluetooth le)"
Converter.EvenTime/ServicePosition: don't start when suspended
EPGCache: fix missing stop signal when nothing was found
* Add "Grid" mode (see the twitch plugin on opendreambox/enigma2-plugins for a working example)
* Add "Horizontal" mode (see Screens.ConfigSetHelpDialog)
* Add TYPE_TEXT_ALPHABLEND for alphablending blending text+background in listboxes(see twitch)
* Add horizontal scrollbar (using eSlider)
ePixmap: add scale type "fill": always fills the target pixmap. Keeps the source aspect by cutting one axis (only if source aspect != target aspect)
Graphics Subsystem (GDI)
* Reintroduce triple buffering including a frame limiter that defaults to ~60fps
* Sync animation timestamps for all windows and widgets (smoother animations when used together with triple buffering)
GLES: add a depth-buffer fix for dr.best

ServiceEvent txt format examples (skip the -------------------------- in the real files)
1 - not.too.good.movie.txt
title=Some movie that ain't that good
duration=8086 (not intel!)
long-description=You should save your time and watch something else instead!

2 - My.favorite.series.txt
title=Best seasons ever
long-description=This episode is epic!

- GStreamer:
libav: fix compilation on arm
allow subtitles for h265/vp9 content
dreamsinks: uhd subtitle fix
dream sinks: fix "Das Erste HD" Hbbtv EM streams)

- update enigma2-plugins
- update dreamliverserver
- update libs for MediaPortal

- update DE-EPG to v3.7
added Germany
added Poland
added Germany-Italy (with Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland)


Super VIP
Changelog of 10.11.2018

update DE EPG Importer to v3.8
- fixed Greece EPG
- added EPG for Italy/ Erotic as requested by some Users
- added EPG Italy / Greece as requested by User kyritsis
- added EPG Poland / Erotic as requested by User °°))DIabOLik((°°

update DE enigma2
- update de & it language
- added new supported skin ( BlackBoxHDMe )
- fix some Skin errors as reported also by Users

Kodi - DE Edition
- add Kodi Dream Elite Edition 17.6 to feed (install via DE Panel -> Addon Panel)

update tuxbox-common
- update satelites.xml to latest version (thanks @ Reinh@ard)
- fix permission of terrestrial.xml and satellite.xml to 775 as reported by User kyritsis

update DE Panel to v1.8
- added Extensions List in Utility Panel and removed it from long blue button as suggested by User pluto78
- added more Settinglists with menu for SAT & DTT
- fixed install, update and deinstall of Plugins, Skins, Tools ecc.
- fixed assistOS


Super VIP
Changelog of 21.06.2019

update DE enigma2
- add Bootpanel to DE Panel
- added Screens from Bootpanel to DE-FHD
- add Screen of Automatic Timerlist Setup to DE-FHD
- update german and italian language (for other languages your are free to do the translations and send it to me)
- added Advanced Audio Settings by dhwz fix in image
- add possibility to have SDCard on dm7080, dm9x0 and dmOne as picon device or for recordings ecc.
- update Renderer and Converter

update DreamOS Core
- update enigma2-plugins
- update 3rdparty feed

update DE Panel
- update some plugins in Addon Panel
- update Skins in Addon Panel


Super VIP
Changelog of 02.07.2019
update DE enigma2
- update Language
- remove sdcard option for dm9x0

update DreamOS Core
- update enigma2-plugins

update DE Panel
- update some plugins in Addon Panel
- update Skins in Addon Panel
- add Cyrus Settings, GioppyGio Settings and vHannibal Settings Plugin fix in DE Panel (Addons - Channellist) (modified only for Dream-Elite)