Need advice (samsung 9500ViaCi)


I have a samsung9500 that had a tuner problem. With help
and info found on this site and the help of a friend I
just got it repaired. Now I have no longer signal problem.

But here is the question:
I just got myself an original BisTv card (viaccess) and I
have no problem opening channels with my samsung. But it
seems that when there is a key change I get freez or blocks
on the image for few seconds! this is very disturbing!

I was wondering if the problem is not still from the tuner!?
what makes me ask this question is: we changed the 220Uf
capacitor on the tuner. But not the 3X47uf ones.
Should I have changed them?
Also I put the 220uf 50Volt. The original was 10V! is that ok?
I got 3X47uf but they are also 50V will this be ok?