Kaon HD-Receiver DVB-C


Hello @ All,

at first, sorry for my bad english :).

Now, my "little" problem.

I've the Kaon Receiver HD for DVB-C. Its an Cable-Receiver from TC.

At the hole Internet i can't find any firmware for this, or manuals to unlock the USB-Port on this "machine" :( .

Today i found this Forum an was reading and reading and found more as one firmware , but not for my machine.

Has anyone an idea or can help me how can i update my Kaon or how i can unlock this usb-port.

Is it possible to access via LAN to the receiver?

more information only in german sorry --> look at http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dslweb.de/hardwarebilder/galerie/telecolumbus-hd-receiver-gross.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dslweb.de/tele-columbus-hd-receiver.php&h=530&w=740&sz=19&tbnid=lJvB8hPw1xOQiM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=144&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dkaon%2Bhd%2Breceiver%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=kaon+hd+receiver&usg=__UQ3PK2cLzzZA3Ik4CR2IYbzTl34=&docid=kzDOW9_5kTMSoM&sa=X&ei=TTgNUrn9I4Tdsgbtl4H4BA&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQ9QEwAA&dur=4264