Calling all Kabelio users please! Can I ask what signal strength you get on the UK channels. If you can also tell your location (even if it's northern Europe, southern Europe etc) and what receiver you are using and dish size it would be helpful, not just for us but it may help others in the future. Also, does anyone else get pixelation on ITV4, it's only for a second or so but quite regularly and occasionally on other channels but not regularly.
Our signal is 93/95%, 12.9/13.2dB (lower at night)
Our receiver: Technomate TM-5402 Mk3
Location: Eastern Algarve
Dish size: 1m
By the way, my husband has spent hours moving the dish a cigarette paper at a time and this is the best signal he can get.
Hope you can take the time to reply, thanks in advance.