In a first for the application, Microsoft released a standalone version of Outlook. In the past, the e-mail application has a


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In a first for the application, Microsoft released a standalone version of Outlook. In the past, the e-mail application has always come as part of the different versions of the Office suite. If you wanted just an e-mail client, then you had to look to other companies or to Microsoft's Outlook Express and Windows Mail for Vista.

Microsoft said the standalone release is in response to customer demand. Takeshi Numoto, general manager of Microsoft Office 2007, said:

Currently, many small and home-based businesses keep their contacts in several different places � some in [their address books], some in spreadsheets. We understand the importance of good customer management and are providing simple and affordable solutions to help small businesses centralize their customer information.

The release will be called Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager and will cost US$149.95. Microsoft hopes that it will encourage those who use Outlook at work to start using it at home, and this removes the barrier of having to buy the Office suite to gain access to it.

Unfortunately, this new version is only currently being made available in the U.S., with Microsoft not commenting on other regions.