[Imagineers] execute a script on the push of a button


Just updated the Imagineers page (http://www.imagineers.nl/hd900/), hope it is of some use to some of you. This is the relevant excerpt:

The HD900's sbox application (the front-end stuff that interacts with the viewer) contains functionality that allows you to execute a custom script (or compiled program) on the push of a button. To be exact: if either the red, green or yellow button is pressed on your remote, the system checks to see if there is a corresponding script (aptly named red.sh, green.sh and yellow.sh in directory /var/bin and executes it. The blue button is already used to stop recordings, so you can't program it.

To test it, you could write a simple script /var/bin/red.sh, i.e.:

echo "User pushed red $(date)" > /tmp/red.test 
exit 0

.. then ..

chmod +x /var/bin/red.sh
.. and test it, by simply warmstarting your HD900 and pushing the red button.
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