HumaxTOOLit 3.0-LOADit 3.0


HumaxTOOLit 3.0-LOADit 3.0

And now the Ultimate HUMAX 5400 Firmware Manipulator is available for Windows to.
I am pleased to announce you HumaxTOOLit 3.0

You have to execute "teacup update" at the dosprompt otherwise it won't run.

I am aware that there should be a manual to get the full benefit of HumaxTOOLit but time and my English is short/small Rolling Eyes
I you have any question put them here.

And also HumaxLOADit 3.0 is available for Windows.
A simple Firmware Uploader but HumaxTOOLit can do that to

Thanks to Gucopas who made this all possible.

Have Fun,