How to recover your DM800 SE & 500HD Clone From NO CA ERROR with SunRay-FlashUp and Browser

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Marching On Together !
Staff member
First you need a USB-A To mini-usb-B to connect to service socket on back of receiver, and a Network cable to Connect Receiver to PC



1 Sunray -Flashup for 800hdse

Use the A Patched SSL82 image for 800se or 500HD

Here the SSL82 For DM800SE

Here Is SSL83 for DM500SE

1--- Connect USB cable to service slot on DM800SE/DM500HD and USB slot on Pc. Windows will then install the driver

You will notice, windows created a virtual Com Port connection to be be used ( in this case Com Port 4)

2 --- Switch Receiver off and connect Network cable Receiver and Router

3 --- Then Start SunRay- FlashUp, Tick Use Network, Fill the relevant boxes with local pc IP and Romote ip of your choose and click Connect.

Program will ask for you to Switch on the receiver.

4 -- It will then go into HTTP mode

5 -- At this stage, you open your browser and insert the romote IP shown on the 800LCD

Page will open as per bellow and then you chose the option Update Firmware.

6 --- Click Browse and navigate to your image

7 --- Chose the image and click Open

8 --- Now click Flash button

9 --- Image will start to

10 --- When it finishes you can click the back button of your browser so we can then send in the bl82 do not reboot

11 Browse and select the SSL82 for your DM800SE Clone

12 --- Once again Click Flash

13 -- After finishing click Reboot. In Most case you will need to do so manually

Box will then reboot and come back to life with image we chose to load. Then you can load your Patched image of your coice as box is functional again

Thanks Joedenoble :thum:
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