Fifth of young holiday-makers return with tattoo


One in five young adult British holiday-makers who go abroad will return home with a tattoo, it has been discovered.

A survey of 1,790 people found that a surprising number of Brits return from their holiday with inked skin to go along with their key rings, postcards and dodgy souvenirs.

19% of 18-25-year-olds said they had previously had a tattoo done while away. 54% said they knew someone else who had had a tattoo done whilst on holiday.

The majority of respondents who admitted to having a tattoo done whilst on holiday were female; comprising 65% of the total number of tattooed respondents.

Of those, two thirds, 67%, claimed to regret their choice. Not surprising when you think that 27% get tattoos of stars, 22% get a phrase and 16% a heart shape.