Extended EPG Plugin 0.0.2 for VDR

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Super Moderator
Updated EEPG plugin for vdr, which detects and loads all in EU known Extended EPG Data (2-10 days).

It supports Premiere, Mediahighway 1 und 2, Sky Uk, Sky Italy, Freesat, and NagraGuide.

Release 0.0.2:

-decoded and added NagraGuide
-tested daylight savings functionality for SKY_UK
-added daylight savings fucntionality for MHW1 and NAGRA
-added possiblity to scan more eepg-streams on same transponder (like CanaalDigitaalNL, both MHW1 and Nagra)
-disabled scan after 1 hour idle time; this was unused functionality, since a) most updates are once/24 hour, and b) most of the time zapping is done within 1 hour
-added lookup for eventid, so existing events will be updated instead of added. This means less use for the DD_EPG patch, because double EPG entries will be minimized.
-fixed compile problem when using NO_EPG patch
-added hexdump routine for debugging
-improved use of TableId's, so now the plugin can decide whether to overwrite or to preserve the existing EPG data
-improved several routines, less memory use, less cpu use.
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