Enigma2 Plugin Extension MainmenuConf


Super VIP
Enigma2 Plugin Extension MainmenuConf by pcd

Hi Friends,

With the attached plugin - it is possible to configure Mainmenu items using these options :-

Vertical list (normal menu)
Horizontal animated (moving items)
Horizontal icons (fixed scrollable items)

The plugin first installs a HD skin as <Default-skin> and a new skin Default-SD.

One advantage of the HD <Default-skin> is that skinners do not need to skin all screens - because the default screens will be HD size.

Skinners please note : Any new skin which wants to use the animated and icon options must have the following items (see them in the skin-default xml ) :-

Screens "Animmain" and "Iconmain"

Regards, pcd.

Thx @pcd