64587C387625C762100.5 E
3765 H 7500
Cw Please?
STILL OLD #CW => https://www.sat-universe.com/index.php?threads/espn-caribbean-caribbean-901-espn-2-syndication-902-telstar-12-15°w.257760/page-4#post-203706360515 W ESPN 12.609 H 7552
biss key please
I GUESS We must need to be psychic to know which Satellite that you are Spamming about ??11131 V 15000
Biss Please? Thank you in advance
You`re absolutely right, my mistake, sorry. Thank you anyway. Have a nice year.I GUESS We must need to be psychic to know which Satellite that you are Spamming about ??
BISS 2 2610 Encryption on 7°East 11131 V 15000
so CW key will not be possible .
Norwich City–Watford is English football, so it's enough to watch in "English football thread"Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11059 - Pol: H - SR: 7120 - FEC: -
Category: Sports - Soccer
Transmitted in: encrypted MPEG-4
Norwich City–Watford
biss key please