Dragon Team v4.1

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Staff member
Dragon Team v4.1 8MB - based on the latest official

- var/ 2.0 MB


- emu manager (beta version)
- fixed start menu, now is in EN language
- new xml menu version FR and DE
- fixed possibility check update (if you don't have internet connection, script stop working and on TV you see message)
- Web Interface French version
- New radio logo
- possibility links keys to usb or hdd
- possibility links emu to hdd
- changed works of addon manager. Now isn't integreted part of menuxml. First must be downloaded actual addon list and then you can install addons which you want.
- new version of Td more menu plugin

#Important !!
Links give possibility move keys and emu to usb or hdd. In var/ is creating link and then you can download addons for selected place.
If you want links emus directory from /var, this directory must exist !. Just only download emu by using addon manager and directory will be created automatically.
If moving directory emus from /var to hdd and it is still show in /var - so is linked. If we have linked this directory then download addons to flash !

Emu manager - beta.
Emu manager have possibility select emu without bmtoy plugin.
1. download noalco
2. from manager emu select configuration which you want to use
3. restart emu
4. restart box

Old attachment removed to preserve space
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