Anyone still use dvbstream?


Donating Member
Hi all,

A long time ago I added a bunch of features to dvbstream, and I've hosted the code for a long time at

I made a bunch of subsequent changes to it I never published (including 16-APSK support for DVB-S2) and have been using it again recently as one of the few tools which can actually handle 100Mbit of transponder throughput. I've also verified it works with modern DVB-S2X (TBS receivers).

Does anyone have any interest in me publishing the more recent updates to it?


Well Known Member
When I tried the original dvbstream 0.5 in Vu Solo 4K, the original transponder containing 204 pids was able to save only 32 pids (but this is probably a HW restriction of the device), although he allowed to enter up to 128 pids (but then stored nothing). Higher value caused the application to fall.


Donating Member
When I tried the original dvbstream 0.5 in Vu Solo 4K, the original transponder containing 204 pids was able to save only 32 pids (but this is probably a HW restriction of the device), although he allowed to enter up to 128 pids (but then stored nothing). Higher value caused the application to fall.
I could easily fix that, but are you aware you can put 8192 to just record all pids?


Well Known Member
I think 8192 only support USB devices in Enigma :cry:
vusolo4k login: root
root@vusolo4k:~# dvbstream -o:"tuner.ts" 8192
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
Open file tuner.ts
MAP 0, file tuner.ts: From -1 secs, To -1 secs, 0 PIDs -  8192
Setting filter for PID 8192
result empty file ( 0 byte )
root@vusolo4k:~# dvbstream -o:"tuner.ts" 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 191 200 201 202 210 220 1100 1110 1120 1121 1122 1123 1130 1140 1141 1142 1147 1148 1149 1150 1160 1200 1210 1220 1221 1222
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
Open file tuner.ts
MAP 0, file tuner.ts: From -1 secs, To -1 secs, 0 PIDs -  0 1 16 17 18 19 20 191 200 201 202 210 220 1100 1110 1120 1121 1122 1123 1130 1140 1141 1142 1147 1148 1149 1150 1160 1200 1210 1220 1221 1222
Setting filter for PID 0
Setting filter for PID 1
Setting filter for PID 16
Setting filter for PID 17
Setting filter for PID 18
Setting filter for PID 19
Setting filter for PID 20
Setting filter for PID 191
Setting filter for PID 200
Setting filter for PID 201
Setting filter for PID 202
Setting filter for PID 210
Setting filter for PID 220
Setting filter for PID 1100
Setting filter for PID 1110
Setting filter for PID 1120
Setting filter for PID 1121
Setting filter for PID 1122
Setting filter for PID 1123
Setting filter for PID 1130
Setting filter for PID 1140
Setting filter for PID 1141
Setting filter for PID 1142
Setting filter for PID 1147
Setting filter for PID 1148
Setting filter for PID 1149
Setting filter for PID 1150
Setting filter for PID 1160
Setting filter for PID 1200
Setting filter for PID 1210
Setting filter for PID 1220
Setting filter for PID 1221
Setting filter for PID 1222
Streaming 33 streams
^CCaught signal 2 - closing cleanly.
result empty file ( 0 byte )
root@vusolo4k:~# dvbstream -o:"tuner.ts" 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 191 200 201 202 210 220 1100 1110 1120 1121 1122 1123 1130 1140 1141 1142 1147 1148 1149 1150 1160 1200 1210 1220 1221
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
Open file tuner.ts
MAP 0, file tuner.ts: From -1 secs, To -1 secs, 0 PIDs -  0 1 16 17 18 19 20 191 200 201 202 210 220 1100 1110 1120 1121 1122 1123 1130 1140 1141 1142 1147 1148 1149 1150 1160 1200 1210 1220 1221
Setting filter for PID 0
Setting filter for PID 1
Setting filter for PID 16
Setting filter for PID 17
Setting filter for PID 18
Setting filter for PID 19
Setting filter for PID 20
Setting filter for PID 191
Setting filter for PID 200
Setting filter for PID 201
Setting filter for PID 202
Setting filter for PID 210
Setting filter for PID 220
Setting filter for PID 1100
Setting filter for PID 1110
Setting filter for PID 1120
Setting filter for PID 1121
Setting filter for PID 1122
Setting filter for PID 1123
Setting filter for PID 1130
Setting filter for PID 1140
Setting filter for PID 1141
Setting filter for PID 1142
Setting filter for PID 1147
Setting filter for PID 1148
Setting filter for PID 1149
Setting filter for PID 1150
Setting filter for PID 1160
Setting filter for PID 1200
Setting filter for PID 1210
Setting filter for PID 1220
Setting filter for PID 1221
Streaming 32 streams
^CCaught signal 2 - closing cleanly.


Donating Member
Oh, you're using it to receive on a multicast address and write to a file? I was talking about using it to tune a DVB device directly.

I could still fix the issue you're talking about too. Have you tried my version?


Donating Member
Staff member
IF You wish to upload your New modded version you can do so on this Link => DVBDream Latest Versions
i still use DVBDream for various 4:2:2 Feeds i would appreciate if you were to upload a new version .
last version was Oct 2024 [ 10-10-2024 ]
Feel Free to upload yours and we appreciate your time and efforts to keep supporting this very good DVB Player .
cheers !