Hi all,
A long time ago I added a bunch of features to dvbstream, and I've hosted the code for a long time at https://www.orcas.net/dvbstream/
I made a bunch of subsequent changes to it I never published (including 16-APSK support for DVB-S2) and have been using it again recently as one of the few tools which can actually handle 100Mbit of transponder throughput. I've also verified it works with modern DVB-S2X (TBS receivers).
Does anyone have any interest in me publishing the more recent updates to it?
A long time ago I added a bunch of features to dvbstream, and I've hosted the code for a long time at https://www.orcas.net/dvbstream/
I made a bunch of subsequent changes to it I never published (including 16-APSK support for DVB-S2) and have been using it again recently as one of the few tools which can actually handle 100Mbit of transponder throughput. I've also verified it works with modern DVB-S2X (TBS receivers).
Does anyone have any interest in me publishing the more recent updates to it?