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  1. P

    Provider êáíáëéþí

    ÌÞðùò îÝñåé êÜðïéïò ößëïò ôá provider id ôùí êáíáëéþí ðïõ åßíáé óôéò 42Å óôç óõ÷íüôçôá 11802 V 17500, 1) Fighbox êáé 2)Davinci Learning. Åðßóçò ôïí ôñüðï åõñåóçò ôùí provider. Åõ÷áñéóôþ!:)
  2. P

    BISS of the German Bundestag

    Where can I find the key BISS for the channel of the German Bundestag which is at 19.2 in frequency 11554 h