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  1. Melgas

    dm920 - Python3 - openPLi (homebuild)

    Hi @satpong Thanks. Hugs
  2. Melgas

    dm920 - Python3 - openPLi (homebuild)

    Hi @satpong I prepared the box to receive the file via the browser. I installed it by transferring the image from the PC. As I do with others. I don't have and don't use the BA. Thanks.
  3. Melgas

    dm920 - Python3 - openPLi (homebuild)

    Hello, I tried to install it on my Box DM920UHD, but it won't install. The bootlogo appears and... blocks. Hugs.
  4. Melgas

    dm920 - Python3 - openPLi (homebuild)

    Hello @pfdfak.kfnsif I tried with EDGE VPN, without success. Thanks.
  5. Melgas

    dm920 - Python3 - openPLi (homebuild)

    Hi @satpong With "" it is not possible to download. Please use another website. Thanks.
  6. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hello, Please, I need the telnet WGET command to install the ABERTIS Hispasat 30.0W Channels. DM920 + OpenATV 7.2 I await help. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hugs and many thanks.
  7. Melgas

    Latest Ciefp Settings E2

    Hello @ciefp Please send me the WGET to install ABERTIS (Hispasat 30W). Thanks and hugs.
  8. Melgas

    Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30°W/Hylas 33.5°W

    Hi @EnoSat I'm a newbie. What should I do? I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  9. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hi @pavon12 Very strange. The files in your box work; but not mine. I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  10. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hi @pavon12 Detected errors. How do I fix? I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  11. Melgas

    Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30°W/Hylas 33.5°W

    Hi @EnoSat How to fix this error with CTRL+C / CTRL+V? I went to get the keys at: I did not succeed. They (chanells) don't open. I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  12. Melgas

    Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30°W/Hylas 33.5°W

    Hi @maxilive Yes, it has a signal. I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  13. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hi @EnoSat See attached: # OSCam cardserver v1.20_svn - # control word log file for use with tsdec offline decrypter # DATE 2022-11-21, TIME 14:39:35, TZ WET # CAID 0x2600, SID 0x0BD1, SERVICE "2600@000000:0BD1_unknown" 0 2A 1F 90 D9 61 EA 97 E2 # 14:39:35 0 2A...
  14. Melgas

    Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30°W/Hylas 33.5°W

    Hello @pavon12 Replaced the keys in softcam.key. I restarted the box. No change. I do not understand. Channels "11502 V 10200 3/4 801" still do not open. I would like to find a solution. Thank you very much. Hugs.
  15. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hello @EnoSat. But this channels, no longer open: 12631V 30000 3/4 8001 - 8003 LA1 HD Madrid La1 Madrid La2 HD Madrid La2 Madrid 24H HD Madrid 24h Madrid It will be a matter of keys? Help me. Thanks.
  16. Melgas

    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    Hello, DM920UHD 4K OpenATV 7.1 It's weird, but it's a problem I can't solve on my own. I need help, to install ABERTIS Channels and work. These channels were already working, very well. I believe after an Image update they stopped working. I followed the Manual and installed everything...
  17. Melgas

    Shows error status on all servers in oscam.server

    # Hi, DM920UHD4K MERLIN-4 OE2.5 I have a problem, which is a "seven-headed mystery". This Box, normally, between 18: 30H and 23: 00H, shows ERROR status on all servers in "oscam.server". And no channel, served by these servers, works. But, here's the "mystery": This problem happens, while the...
  18. Melgas

    DM900UHD-4K - install new image

    # Hello everyone. I am calling for urgent help. I am not able to install a new image on my Box. What I've done: 1) I disconnected the Box and reconnected it with my finger on the led, until the Box information appears to be in boot. 2) From my PC, I opened the browser and put the IP address of...
  19. Melgas

    DM900UHD-4K - Images OE2.5 + Python 3.0

    # Hello Please let me know which OE2.5 Images, which use Python 3.0, for my Box DM900UHD-4K. Thank you very much. #
  20. Melgas

    I am trying to install a DEB Plugin

    # Hello everyone. BOX: DM900UHD-4K IMAGE: MERLIN-4 OE2.5 I need help. I already tried what I know and I didn't get it. I am a newbie. I am trying to install a DEB Plugin. But I not successe. If I install manually, sending the unzipped folders to Box, when I do the restart, everything...