When I look at the coverage area, it should be viewed easily from Ankara. but only until now. We couldn't get clear information, I get 1N frequencies. What is your region?
The Astra 1P satellite was said to be a very wide beam satellite. On the contrary, we saw that this was not the case, the Astra 1P satellite could not receive a signal with the 60 cm dish antenna in the Ankara region of Turkey.
I'm thinking 19.2 cable on Astra 5b satellite, I'm on the wing where the Astra 1kr has expired. The satellite was launched in 2006. Will Astra 31.5 send new satellites?
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Arkadaşlar hotbird yeni uyduya geçince bende coğu frekansta sinyaller gitti, yer Ankara, Canak çapı 60 Cm inverto black ultra siyah lnb kullanıyorum, Avrupada durum nasıldır