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  1. J

    Oscam Emu Chat Thread

    Turn off all other readers other the the emulator, restart oscam emu, then post the log from its startup to trying to decode emu channels. At a guess your device should simply be: emulator The reader below should be enough, but will depend upon how oscam emu has been compiled [reader] label...
  2. J

    PowerVu Chat [only chat, don‘t post keys here]

    Thanks for the upload, it has A52 codec (which despite some saying so is not exactly the same as dolby digital) I also get no sound on my vu it is a driver issue with both of our STB's. There has been a handful of channels i have seen this issue on before.
  3. J

    PowerVu Chat [only chat, don‘t post keys here]

    The attachment in the first post is a dead end. The attachment in the 2nd post leads back to the 1st post. What codec is the audio your having issues with ?
  4. J

    How to upload backup on Octagon SF8008?

    you are not following simple instructions and this thread has gone way off topic. 1. Take a usb stick. 2. format usb stick to fat32 3. copy the backup image linked to above to your formatted usb stick, exactly as you have downloaded it. leave it as a zip file. 4. place usb stick in STB 5...
  5. J

    Viark Forever boxes

    Its a satellite TV receiver, same as our e2 devices..... DAB works way better on DAB radios...... The handful of DAB channels on satellite can easily be streamed over the net anyways, there is several e2 plugins for that already, anyways i don't want to go too far off topic in the viark thread...
  6. J

    Viark Forever boxes

    Very rarely do you get 4k streams, normally when you do they are also 4.2.2 format. Check the feed section for details of whats about in biss. BTW it looks like some of 28.2 is coming back to being stable again.
  7. J

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    Only my little 80cm dish can scan that far east for 55east Yamal 402 I pick up 1 TP, but no active channels in SE England, can anyone else with a bigger dish try <!-- File created on Monday, 02 of September 2024, 13:35:14 using dual receiver running Enigma2 image, version 7.4...
  8. J

    Strongest channel on 7w in uk.

    Essex area 1.2m Channel master, i pick up 302 channels AVA TV is my strongest TP 11354 V 27500 @ 10.1 DB . I guess you struggle the further north you are ? TP list below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!-- File created on Saturday, 17 of August 2024, 11:17:07 using...
  9. J

    Modern sat meters.

    Perhaps so, but it is actually irrelevant. He fails to grasp a really basic concept,...... simply that a wifi connection can still work without the internet. Anyways i will leave it at that, i was just saying that there is more than one way to skin a fish, good luck sorting your issue.
  10. J

    Modern sat meters.

    Where the hell do you live man ? Its can get internet in Antarctica lol Actually no internet is required. Nor a router... A mobile phone can also be a hot spot that a e2 STB can connect to. If needs be, move the STB close to the dish, your mobile become your screen, and your remote...
  11. J

    Modern sat meters.

    I only ever really need a "signal meter" when messing with my own dishes (or for a couple of mates that physically cant do so themselves) I use an E2 STB and mobile phone with "signal meter" type app, and TBH find it better than any of the cheapo "signal meters" i have tried. The only downside...
  12. J

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Interesting, i will try a 3 amp power supply, i already have a low power lnb on that dish (y)
  13. J

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Same TV as you, all channels lists i have tried revert to HDR, even when the box is set to 1080p lol if you factory reset and sort your own channels ( at least for me on 1.09 FW) then HDR will go. Mine is still set to 4096x2160P 60hrz and stays there. i have the same issue with 30w on the...
  14. J

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Okay had a few days messing about with this qviart combo now, so far only on the Android side, i don't expect any issue with e2 as im already well used to that. My comparisons can only be against my DRS2, as that is the only other STB i have the runs forever. The android interface is very basic...
  15. J

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Thx mate, with that im finally getting it to flash the special source as we speak. I used a very old 4gb stick in the end, none of the others 4/5 sticks (all of them usb 2) worked, even though i was able to recover the box using an 8gb usb2 stick that was always my go to when i had zgemmas (...
  16. J

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Late to this party, but I have managed to pickup a cheap used combo. For the life of me i cant get it to flash via USB from the android update option. (online update worked to firmware version 5. something) I have tried front and rear ports with low level, fat32 formatted USB (3 different ones...
  17. J

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    strange, signal is good on my 1.2m SE England
  18. J

    Can anyone tell me which two channels on Eutelsat 7E have the strongest and weakest signals?

    Why write in BOLD ? Are those TP's currently active ?
  19. J


    What mode are these transmitted in ? Is it possible to find out ?? Mode 0 would be lovely, but clearly its not that.......
  20. J

    does anyone have a Primesat heavy duty polar mount for the Raven (Andrews / Channel Master) 1.2m dish?

    thats him.....been here im out, good luck to anyone else.