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  1. oys

    Привет старина , я почти негде уже не захожу . . . болею и т д

    Привет старина , я почти негде уже не захожу . . . болею и т д
  2. oys

    OpenATV 7.x DM900 UHD

    openatv-7.2-dm900 OpeNatv/7.2/dm900
  3. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    . . . maybe someone else knows because the existing settings are terrible - or they just don't work again
  4. oys

    [E² Plugin] YouTube

    ... previously it was not possible to add files
  5. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    admins Is there a way to change the forum view?
  6. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    @maumixio There were no smails before, but something is wrong with the buttons and their operation
  7. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    No like button . . . . . . . . @maumixio
  8. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    There is also no like button !! ;)
  9. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    Hi, no rights at all, not even a thank you button !!?
  10. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    ??? This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.
  11. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    It seems that no one sees my posts. . .
  12. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    when the forum was not working, I was specially punished. . .
  13. oys

    Board, User-Status-Issues & Permission Issues. Post them here

    Hi, no rights at all, not even a thank you button
  14. oys

    [E² Plugin] YouTube

    YouTube git1019 от Taapat 20.04.2022 * Remove ssl key error workaround : Because it causes other specific problems
  15. oys

    OScam.conf file and Settings

    OScam.conf file with latest update ... 04.11.2020
  16. oys

    Happy Birthday WaRp !!

    @ WaRp
  17. oys

    [Chat] Merlin for DreamONE

    @DR-10 link not working :wink1: