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  1. ChiefRA

    Digi Cablu Chat

    Revin cu actualizari despre Maxcam, am facut un post special pentru ele, pentru ca m-am documentat temeinic: c.c. @Liviumoldovan si @sebisat Sper sa va foloseasca...
  2. ChiefRA

    Maxcam si Maxcam Twin v2 - cum urcam corect key-le pe card?

    M-am documentat (temeinic) și am venit să împărtășesc cu voi toți cei care încă se întreabă: Maxcam (hardware v. 1.0 și v. 2.0): fișierul de cheie nu poate fi încărcat (nici prin Loader, nici prin TV) pentru ca il urca in alta zona de memorie de unde nu stie sa-l citeasca cand decodeaza. Ca sa...
  3. ChiefRA


    I have documented myself (thoroughly) and I came to share the news for all of you out there that are still wondering: Maxcam (hardware v. 1.0 and v. 2.0): key file cannot be uploaded in (nor through the loader neither through the TV). Its chip has to be cloned (advanced electronics skills...
  4. ChiefRA

    Orange TV Cablu Key

    Salut @Okeeffe Nu exista key pentru Orange, nu se poate decoda. Doar jiji cablu merge decodat.
  5. ChiefRA


    Thank you @SAT_Nobody . @freon CAM indeed is old news but is quite actual on our Cable System replacing successfully the decoder and an extra remote which I never seem to find when I need to switch channels :) Requirement: What I need to achieve, is to be able to insert the decrypting keys...
  6. ChiefRA

    Maxcam si Maxcam Twin v2 - cum urcam corect key-le pe card?

    Buna ziua, Deschid un nou thread specific pentru cardurile Maxcam si Maxcam Twin v2. Nu reusesc sa fac lumina, chiar daca urc fisierul de key cu ajutorul butonului "Softcam Key", nu decodeaza. Am incercat in acelasi fel ca la cardurile Unicam, dar nu functioneaza. Ma poate ajuta cineva...
  7. ChiefRA

    Digi Cablu Chat

    Am aceeasi problema si eu: urc fisierul de Key pe Maxcam dar nu decodeaza, chiar daca am pus canalele pe disabled. Stie cineva cum se face corect? Ca nu merge ca la Unicam. Va rog sa ne dati un hint. => @sebisat ? Cu multumiri.
  8. ChiefRA


    Hi @SAT_Nobody , Thank you for the above downloads. I was able to get all 4 of them, although, on the first click - on each of them - was downloading only junk software, so a second click on each download is needed to get the correct archive (for those who need to get them also). Do you happen...
  9. ChiefRA


    Can someone please put the Maxcam Loader for Maxcam 1 and Maxcam v2 Twin to download? As I can't find them anymore. Thanks in advance!
  10. ChiefRA

    Unicam Loader Release

    adding back the UniCam Loader 3.0 software link for download: UniCam-Loader 3.0 Only for use with Unicam firmwares for Unicam Evo and Unicam twin. It's not possible to flash Unicam Unicrypt and Unicam Deltacrypt...
  11. ChiefRA

    Cas Studio (All versions)

    CAS version 9.8.7. (this is the latest and the last version, no other newer version has or will be made! soft and the CAS box have been discontinued since 2014) added for anyone who still needs it. Obs: 1) Install the software first, with the CAS box disconnected. 2) In widows 11 x64, during...
  12. ChiefRA

    Cas Studio (All versions)

    Can anybody please place a valid download link for the latest version 9.8.7. and let me know how to install the drivers in Windows 11? Thanks