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  1. W

    Sat tv vs iptv

    Po hap nje thread sepse na debuan kabllorin e skemi tv. Dixhitalbi eshte shume i shtrenjte dhe tringu sja vlen plus ae ska topin dhe klanin cme sygjeroni?
  2. W

    A ja vlen te blesh nje android box me internetin shqiptar?

    pershendetje . po mendoja te blija nje android box por interneti ne shqiperi nuk eshte aq i mire . personalisht shpejtesia e internetit qe ka kompania ime eshte 4mb/s(400kb/s) . A ja vlen ta blej ?
  3. W

    Gezuar Festen E pavaresise .

  4. W

    I am sorry .

    I WAS BANNED UNJUSTICELY THIS TIME I SWEAR. I Told that mod that yahoo wasnt working . I changed my temp email to my email and told him couldnt check the message cuz yahoo wasnt working . He thought i was a liar and banned me (Oh well i think he wanted to bann me) . Anyway i did a legit...