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    x5 hd powervu+ new fırmware

    X5 hd powervu+ help me
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    X5 hd boxs 88 e kuband c line problems

    X5 hd boxs 88e ku band cline work .to tv change to boxs remote not work same problem 78.5e c band ku band remote not work slove problems
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    Openbox x5 new firmware box dead

    X5 New firmware intal boxs dead &error what reason !
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    Open box x5 hd royal cam code

    Iam check royalcam code 001122334455 work good 90day test iine what sat work!
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    KD_P9550E_HD_OPENBOX_X5PROX5_2014_03_02 epg work
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    X5 hd boxs soft cam key

    X5 hd boxs soft cam key biss only work. other key not work . Ccw key work!! Not
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    Open boxs x5 iptv code

    13.11.2013 new soft ware Open boxs iptv id code pls
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    New sat 148e &154e new freq

    New sat freq.. testing 148e (or)154e freq 3733/h/4500
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    Open boxs x5

    78.5 e c band freq 3950(v ) 2400 signal not lock.. x5 hd boxs pls
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    X5 hd boxs new soft ware

    X5 hd box upgrade X5 Model For X5, have to upgrade with new software. 1, upgrade X5 by internet: Go to Main Menu - click S/W Upgrade by internet, wait 1-2 minutes, it will upgrade automatic; 2, then upgrade by USB(copy X5 software into USB): Go to Main Menu- S/W upgrade by USB , click and...