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  1. G

    Astra 5A 12437V Suspilne Krym encoded in BISS

    Suspilne Krym is now encoded in BISS Does anyone already have the required key? SID: 7939 Thx 🙂
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    [T2-MI] RAI mux B on 5.0°W: 12536 H

    For your information the test T2-MI stream with Rai-Mux B has now been switched off again on 12.536 H. The SR has been changed to 35300
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    Discussion about all FEEDs

    ... Hellassat 39° 11769H 28333 News-Feed-Package now the known keys have been changed/down :(
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    Discussion about all FEEDs

    Hello, as of today, on the new Txp 11769H the four Px are encrypted in BISS1. Has anyone found keys yet? Thanks in advance!
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    15°W 12608H ESPN 901/902 Keys

    That's right, changes were made every month until 2019. I hadn't watched this Px for a long time and there was also a receiver change
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    15°W 12608H ESPN 901/902 Keys

    ... Thx EnoSat, really the old keys from 2020? I thought they were changed annually...
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    15°W 12608H ESPN 901/902 Keys

    Hello, despite a long search, I was unfortunately unable to find the current BISS keys for the two ESPN channels 12.608 H in the BISS keys thread. I suspect that the current entries were lost during the site crash at the time. Would someone please enter the current keys in the corresponding...
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    BBC Satback Package has Launched on Telstar 12 Vantage @ 15°west

    Euro-Spot 1 ("North-Sea-Beam") only reachable in UK / Skandinava :eek:
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    Channels encrypt in BISS [NEWS]

    ...seems to be a radio channel with TV lineup?
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    1+1 Ukraine at ASTRA 4A 4,8E

    thank you SeregaH, answered very detailed (y) Then the matter has been clarified. I was obviously just to a coded broadcast on the frequencies in question this morning. So far I had not observed any coding here
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    1+1 Ukraine at ASTRA 4A 4,8E

    many thanks for the quick feedback! @ dog-man the uncoded 1+1 is surely the one on 11.766 H with the addition "Marathon" in the logo (?)
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    1+1 Ukraine at ASTRA 4A 4,8E

    Hi, according to Flysat, the channel 1+1 Ukraine is on the air on the frequencies 11.766 H and 12.130 V, but it is indicated there as "unencrypted"... However, during the scan, this station is read in as encoded in both cases.😐 Can anyone provide information whether and with which BISS keys 1+1...
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    AFP TV BISS Key - 10°East

    final info regarding my post: 👍
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    AFP TV BISS Key - 10°East

    the transmissions of AFPTV apparently leave 10°E :confused: new infocard at AFPTV: SATELLITE CHANGE The modalites for Satellite reception will change in september...
  15. G

    NTV Türkiye HD on 53°E 12.668 Н

    px is new on this satellite, encrypted in BISS... any info about keys? edit: sry. just found by myself 🥴 but thanks for fast Feeddback
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    Scrambled T2-MI - Astra 4A at 4.8°E

    it certainly depends on the FW version I have here GTMedia V7 Turbo and ApeBox C2 4K,both to my knowledge with Ali processors, but with older FW. With both Rx the reception of the coded T2-MI on 5°E 12245 V is not possible, i.e. they are not read in.
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    ERT Greece Channels (3.1E) FixedControlWord**CHAT*No keys

    on 3,1°E there are no Greek Px on the air since a long time 🤔 You will surely mean the px on 39°E...
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    Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides

    sorry for delay... I don't know, whether you can find it really in thread Qviart...:unsure: the way for Apebox C2 4K remote control, for other Rx i don't know key "A" Button "Page" up key "B" Button "Page" down
  19. G

    Scrambled T2-MI - Astra 4A at 4.8°E

    ... my two T2-MI capable non-E2 receivers (GTM-V8 Turbo/ApeBox C2 4K) unfortunately do not load any programs on the new Txp despite a good signal. Apparently the (BISS) encoding is an obstacle to save the programs in the channel list. :( Maybe someone here also has this Rx and an idea how the...