Recent content by cgac99

  1. C

    Help with M3O new CAID ( local card )

    Hello guys, I need some help for read my Portuguese card m-e-o- , since they change the CAID thing , i did try many solutions posted but nothing seems to work. What can i do ? I have Enigma 2 , latest Enigma 2 Open Pli version And i want read the card for privat use. Hope someone can help...
  2. C

    Como Fazer para M3O Caid em Enigma2 para burros?

    Ola Ja faz uma semana que tento sem sucesso ler o meu cartao M3O no meu terminal Enigma 2. Fiz tudo e mais alguma coisa , modificando os ficheiros OSCAM como dizem nos forums ... mas talvez seja para Enigma1 ou outros terminais ... ou servidores. Tou a ficar maluco com uma coisa que toda a...
  3. C

    IPTV List Updater , how to?

    Hi guys, I found a video on youtube where a guy using IPTV List Updater can browser among a lot of channels that i would like to experience too at home. So, after long minutes searching for a recent IPK of this plugin, i did try to install the IPK...
  4. C

    sites com cccam free

    Ola, Havera aqui alguem que saiba de bons sites com linhas de clines ? Conheço alguns mas a maior parte tem clines que nao funcionam ou que fazem freezes constantemente. Podem mandar PM sff Obrigado.
  5. C

    CCAM for very stupid user....

    Hi ! I'am new in linux world , i have a ET9000 runing E2 , till yet i had success for run my official card just by choosing CCCAM. After flashing a lot of receivers in my life, i found the process easy. The problem: In other sat receivers that i had , i used to input Nagra - CW etc... k€ys...