Recent content by butchyboy

  1. butchyboy

    UK Turks App [Ad-Free]

    i heard on the dark web,it was server issues. but then again if it was server issues im sure it be back after a few days,think its down over 2 weeks. sure could,nt uk turks app reform under a similar or different name,simple really.
  2. butchyboy

    UK Turks App [Ad-Free]

    any other good ones like uk tuks app?
  3. butchyboy

    UK Turks App [Ad-Free]

    any news on the uk turks app its been down over a week now.
  4. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    is it possible to use a different format that will work when the recording is played on a tv via the usb port of tv
  5. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    @manic01 just done a 2 minute recording on slysports news and plays perfect on the viark,so then i decided to try it on the usb port of tv for play back and it just gives me a circle trying to load. and it plays back perfect on my pc
  6. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    i just looked and it was indeed on channel in pvr settings,so i guess that theory is out the window.
  7. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    thats a balls as it was for a neighbour and i deleted the recording so i dunno now.
  8. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    guys i went to record the fight tonight for a neighbour and a i inserted a usb stick and i pressed the red button at the very bottom of the remote and it seemed to record ok,but when i went to plug it in to usb on tv and pc it would not play correctly very intermitten etc not free flowing etc...
  9. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    great to hear,cheers @barney115
  10. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    nice update to 1.19 with the long awaited powervu :) i wonder how this 1.19 is fairing with AU on biss ?. ive not had time to try it as i only updated to 1.19 as i type.
  11. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    oh ye i know its a different sub to slysports but there all NDS etc but ye probaly something different,so ou would think slysports would have that implemented to. but you know i always was of the believe that sly are involved in all this crack and do not mind as i believe there getting a big cut...
  12. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

  13. butchyboy

    Viark Forever boxes

    howcome its always tnt sports that goes down and never any of the other ones like slysports etc on 28.2e
  14. butchyboy

    1.25 Gibertini Polar Mount

    agree yes both look correct to my eyes to.
  15. butchyboy

    OnStream v1.02 Fire Sticks

    Cheers m8ty